
We start most students out riding hunt seat and many choose to stay with it. Hunt seat is an english style of riding that includes hunters, jumpers and hunt seat equitation. In equitation shows the rider is judged on their position and how effective they are as a rider. In the hunters, it's a bit more about the horse and how well they are responding to their rider. There are both jumping and flat components to riding in hunters and hunt seat equitation. Jumpers is a timed event in which the horse and rider compete over a course of jumps. They get penalties for knocking down rails from the jumps or if the horse refuses any of the obstacles. The goal in jumpers is to have the the fastest ride with the least penalties.
We regularly bring our hunter/jumper students to local and regional competitions and to some of the finals in the area such as the MHJ, MHC, Rhode Island and New England medals. We have also had students qualify for and attend the NEHC Hunt Seat Pleasure Equitation Medal every year since it's beginning in 2013 with the exclusion of 2017 where we had conflicts and couldn't attend. The winning rider from 2013-2016 has been a High View student and we usually have several students in the ribbons.